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ED560 Events

The ED560 type exposes the following members.

Public eventDeviceStatusChangedEvent Event When the status of the devices connection changes for example goes from Disconnected to Connected or from Available to Unavailable
(Inherited from Device<Conn, Proto>)
Public eventIOLineChanged Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line changes
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLineCount Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input changes increment the count of the IOLine
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLineFallingEdge Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line goes from 1 -> 0 / high to low / open to closed
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLineRisingEdge Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line goes from 0 -> 1 / low to high / closed to open
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLinesChanged Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of one or more IOLines change within a polling interval This is useful when a state in the program is dependent on 2 or more ioLine states
(Inherited from EDDevice)
See Also