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IOLine Methods

The IOLine type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearCount Clear the count currently recorded on the line
Public methodDescribe Give a complete summary of the IOLine
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodSubscribeToDeltaEvent Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLine changes over the delta value specified
Public methodSubscribeToTargetEvent Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLine goes over the value specified and below the value specified
Public methodSubscribeToTargetEventsObsolete.
Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLine goes over the value specified and below the value specified
Public methodSubscribeToTargetRangeEvent Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLine changes more than the specified delta value away from the specified target value
Public methodSubscribeToTargetRangeEventsObsolete.
Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of this AIOLine changes more than the specified delta value away from the specified target value
Public methodToggle If the line is an output this function will invert the state of the line e.g. if the line was closed (1) it will become open (0) or if the line was open (0) it will become closed (1) only valid for Digital outputs
Public methodToString ToString
(Overrides ObjectToString)
Public methodUnsubscribeToDeltaEvent Unsubscribe a registered delta event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetEvent Unsubscribe a registered target event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetEventsObsolete.
Unsubscribe a registered target event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetRangeEvent Unsubscribe a registered target range event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetRangeEventsObsolete.
Unsubscribe a registered target range event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
See Also