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ModbusTCPProtocol Properties

The ModbusTCPProtocol type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDeviceName The name of the ED Device
Public propertyLastRequest The last Modbus TCP Request sent encoded as string
Public propertyLastResponse The Modbus TCP Response for the last Request sent note this could be null as the request may not have completed at time of asking
Public propertyProtocolId The ModbusTCP protocol, always 0 From Protocol Identifier – It is used for intra-system multiplexing. The MODBUS protocol is identified by the value 0.
Public propertyRequestLength The Modbus TCP Length of Request From Modbus.rog: Length - The length field is a byte count of the following fields, including the Unit Identifier and data fields.
Public propertyResponseLength The Modbus TCP Length of Response From Modbus.rog: Length - The length field is a byte count of the following fields, including the Unit Identifier and data fields.
Public propertyStream Set the stream which the protocol data is written and read from
(Inherited from Protocol)
Public propertyTransactionId The ModbusTCP transaction Id starts at one and should be incremented each time from Transaction Identifier - It is used for transaction pairing, the MODBUS server copies in the response the transaction identifier of the request.
Public propertyUnitId The ModbusTCP Unit identifier, From Unit Identifier – This field is used for intra-system routing purpose. It is typically used to communicate to a MODBUS+ or a MODBUS serial line slave through a gateway between an Ethernet TCP-IP network and a MODBUS serial line.This field is set by the MODBUS Client in the request and must be returned with the same value in the response by the server. For our purposes: always 0xff
See Also