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ASCIIProtocol Class

The ASCII Protocol for more information on supported commands see
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Brainboxes.IO
Assembly: Brainboxes.IO (in Brainboxes.IO.dll) Version: (
public class ASCIIProtocol : Protocol, 
	IIOProtocol, IProtocol

The ASCIIProtocol type exposes the following members.

Public methodASCIIProtocol Constructor for ASCII Protocol
Public propertyAddress Default ASCII DCON device address can be set in constructor to specific value
Public propertyBaudRate The baud rate of the device
Public propertyDataFormat The data format of the analog device Defaults to Engineering format
Public propertyDeviceName The name of the ED Device
Public propertyIOCounterMode The counter mode of the digital device, whether it is a 16-bit or 32-bit counter
Public propertyStream Set the stream which the protocol data is written and read from
(Inherited from Protocol)
Public propertyTemperatureUnit The unit of temperature of the analog device
Public methodClearAllLatchedDigitalInputs Clear the INPUT latches
Public methodClearAllLatchedInputsObsolete.
Clear the digital INPUT latches
Public methodClearDigitalInputLineCount Clears the digital input counter of the specified line.
Public methodClearLineCountObsolete.
Clears the digital input counter of the specified line.
Public methodCommandDoesNotHaveResponse Test whether the command does not have an ASCII response from the ED Device
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetAllAnalogInputLineStates Gets the state of all the Analog Input lines of the device as double[lineNumber]
Public methodGetAllAnalogOutputLineStates Gets the state of all the Analog Output lines of the device as double[lineNumber]
Public methodGetAllDigitalLineStates Get the state of all the digital IOLines of the device as an integer
Public methodGetAllLatchedHighDigitalInputStates Get the HIGH LATCH states of all the digital Inputs
Public methodGetAllLatchedHighInputStatesObsolete.
Get the HIGH LATCH states of all the digital inputs
Public methodGetAllLatchedLowDigitalInputStates Get the LOW LATCH state of all the digital INPUTS
Public methodGetAllLatchedLowInputStatesObsolete.
Get the LOW LATCH state of all the digital INPUTS
Public methodGetAllLineStatesObsolete.
Get the state of all the digital IOLines of the device as an integer
Public methodGetAnalogLineState Get the state of an Analog IO Line. If the analog line is disabled it will return +00.000
Public methodGetDeviceConfiguration Read the device configuration
Public methodGetDeviceName Get the name of the Device
Public methodGetDigitalInputLineCount Reads the digital input counter of the specified line
Public methodGetDigitalLineState Get the state of a digital IO Line
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetLineCountObsolete.
Reads the digital input counter of the specified line
Public methodGetLineStateObsolete.
Get the state of a digital IO line
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodResetToFactoryDefaultSettings Reset the ED device to factory default settings
Public methodRestart Power Off and the On the ED Device
Public methodSendCommand Send a command to a Brainboxes Device and optionally receive a response back from the device
Public methodSetAllDigitalOutputLineStates set all output lines on the device open (0) or closed (1) The bit position represents the line number
Public methodSetAllOutputLineStatesObsolete.
set all output lines on the device open (0) or closed (1) The bit position represents the line number
Public methodSetAnalogDataFormat Sets the data format setting of the device. For more info see
Public methodSetAnalogOutputLineState(Int32, Double) Set an individual analogue output line value
Public methodSetAnalogOutputLineState(Int32, String) Set an individual analogue output line to a Hexadecimal value
Public methodSetDeviceConfiguration(Int32, Int32, IOChangeTypes, CounterMode, Boolean) Set the new device configuration of digital device
Public methodSetDeviceConfiguration(Int32, Int32, AnalogDataFormat, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, TemperatureUnit) Set the new device configuration of analog device
Public methodSetDigitalOutputLineState Set an individual digital output line state open (0) or closed (1)s
Public methodSetOutputLineStateObsolete.
Set an individual digital output line state open (0) or closed (1)s
Public methodSetTemperatureUnit Sets the temperature unit setting of the device. For more info see
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
See Also