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ED549 Class

ED-549: Ethernet to DIO 8 Analog Inputs + Serial Gateway
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Brainboxes.IO
Assembly: Brainboxes.IO (in Brainboxes.IO.dll) Version: (
public class ED549 : EDDevice

The ED549 type exposes the following members.

Public methodED549 ED-549: Ethernet to DIO 8 Analog Inputs + Serial Gateway
Public methodED549(IConnection) ED-549: Ethernet to DIO 8 Analog Inputs + Serial Gateway
Public methodED549(IConnection, IIOProtocol) ED-549: Ethernet to DIO 8 Analog Inputs + Serial Gateway
Public propertyAInputs The devices analog input lines (if it has any) index by IOLineNumber e.g AOUT0, AOUT1, AOUT2
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public propertyAOutputs The devices analog output lines (if it has any) indexed by IOLineNumber e.g AOUT0, AOUT1, AOUT2
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public propertyConnection The connection. If the connection is replaced and the previous connection was connected, the new connection will be connected too
(Inherited from DeviceConn, Proto)
Public propertyInputs The devices input Lines (if it has any) indexed by IOLineNumber e.g. DOUT0, DOUT1, DOUT2
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public propertyIOLineCacheTimeout The time between checking the state of the IO lines for event handling, defaults to 250 ms Also the stale period, when the cached value of the IO line has to be re-queried on the device
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public propertyIOLines IOLines indexed by their logical line number as described on the Brainboxes product label
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public propertyIsAvailable Whether the connection to this Brainboxes Device is available, e.g. online or offline​. In case of network TCP connection: this is if the device is pingable on the network. In case of serial connection: this is if the device COM port is listed on the system and not open by another process.
(Inherited from DeviceConn, Proto)
Public propertyIsConnected Whether this Brainboxes Device instance has an active connection
(Inherited from DeviceConn, Proto)
Public propertyLabel User definable label for the Device to help identify when many devices / when debugging
(Inherited from DeviceConn, Proto)
Public propertyOutputs The devices output Lines (if it has any) indexed by IOLineNumber e.g. DOUT0, DOUT1, DOUT2
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public propertyProtocol Marking as virtual allows it to be overridden in the child class
(Inherited from DeviceConn, Proto)
Public methodConnect Connect to a Brainboxes Remote IO Device
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodDescribe Give a complete summary of the EDDevice
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodDisconnect Disconnect from a Brainboxes Remote IO Device
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodDispose Dispose of this Brainboxes device
(Inherited from DeviceConn, Proto)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFactoryReset Factory resets the device, this can take some time as the current connection is broken and a new on has to be re-established the connection may not reconnect if the current IP address settings cannot be re-got be the device in default settings mode
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodRestart Power Cycle the device this can take some time as the current connection is broken and a new on has to be re-established the function will block until the device is powered up and reconnected to
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodSendCommand Send a command to the Brainboxes device using the supplied protocol.
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodSubscribeToDeltaEvent Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an Analog line changes by larger than the limit specified
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodSubscribeToTargetEvent Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an Analog input goes over the limit specified
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodSubscribeToTargetRangeEvent Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an Analog line changes to be within the specified delta range of a specified target value and also when it changes to be outside of the specified delta range
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodToString ToString
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodUnsubscribeToDeltaEvent Unsubscribe a registered delta event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetEvent Unsubscribe a registered target event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public methodUnsubscribeToTargetRangeEvent Unsubscribe a registered target range event with this handler to stop being notified when this event is triggered
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventDeviceStatusChangedEvent Event When the status of the devices connection changes for example goes from Disconnected to Connected or from Available to Unavailable
(Inherited from DeviceConn, Proto)
Public eventIOLineChanged Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line changes
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLineCount Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input changes increment the count of the IOLine
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLineFallingEdge Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line goes from 1 -> 0 / high to low / open to closed
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLineRisingEdge Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line goes from 0 -> 1 / low to high / closed to open
(Inherited from EDDevice)
Public eventIOLinesChanged Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of one or more IOLines change within a polling interval This is useful when a state in the program is dependent on 2 or more ioLine states
(Inherited from EDDevice)
See Also