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IEDDevice Interface

Remote Ethernet IO interface These devices use a command response protocol, almost every command sent to the device receives a response

Namespace: Brainboxes.IO
Assembly: Brainboxes.IO (in Brainboxes.IO.dll) Version: (
public interface IEDDevice : IDevice<IConnection, IIOProtocol>, 

The IEDDevice type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAInputs The devices analog input lines (if it has any) indexed by IOLineNumber e.g. AIN0, AIN1, AIN2
Public propertyAOutputs The device analog output lines (if it has any) indexed by IOLineNumber e.g AOUT0, AOUT1, AOUT2
Public propertyConnection The connection to this device
(Inherited from IDeviceC, P)
Public propertyInputs The devices input Lines (if it has any) indexed by IOLineNumber e.g. DIN0, DIN1, DIN2
Public propertyIOLines IOLines indexed by their logical line number as described on the brainboxes product label
Public propertyIsAvailable Whether the connection to this Brainboxes Device is available, e.g. online or offline​. In case of network TCP connection: this is if the device is pingable on the network. In case of serial connection: this is if the device COM port is listed on the system and not open by another process.
(Inherited from IDeviceC, P)
Public propertyIsConnected Whether the Brainboxes Device has an active connection from this connection instance
(Inherited from IDeviceC, P)
Public propertyOutputs The devices output Lines (if it has any) indexed by IOLineNumber e.g. DOUT0, DOUT1, DOUT2
Public propertyProtocol The protocol used to communicate which this device
(Inherited from IDeviceC, P)
Public methodConnect Open Connection to a Brainboxes Device, must be called before SendCommand Throws exception on connection failure
(Inherited from IDeviceC, P)
Public methodDisconnect Disconnect from Brainboxes Device, will be automatically called when class is disposed
(Inherited from IDeviceC, P)
Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from IDisposable)
Public methodSendCommand Send a command to the Brainboxes Remote IO device using the supplied protocol.
Public eventDeviceStatusChangedEvent Event called when the status of the device changes, either the IsConnected Property or the IsAvailable property
(Inherited from IDeviceC, P)
Public eventIOLineChanged Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line changes
Public eventIOLineCount Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input changes increment the count of the IOLine
Public eventIOLineFallingEdge Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line goes from 1 -> 0 / high to low / open to closed
Public eventIOLineRisingEdge Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of an input or output line goes from 0 -> 1 / low to high / closed to open
Public eventIOLinesChanged Register an event with this handler to be notified when the state of one or more IOLines change within a polling interval This is useful when a state in the program is dependent on 2 or more ioLine states
See Also