Ethernet to Serial Radio Mast Equipment Application

Using Ethernet to Serial to monitor test equipment in a remote location


Radio Mast Connected to Brainboxes Ethernet to serial device serverRadio Masts are often in remote locations where access can be difficult. Test equipment monitors the function and status of the mast to assist engineers in maintenance and trouble shooting. This complex test equipment is directly connected to the radio mast, traditionally requiring the engineer to be on site to collect data or discover a fault. Radio masts are used for telecommunications, broadcasting and by the emergency services, so maintaining a properly functioning network of masts has safety as well as business implications.


Brainboxes ES-020

The ES-020 has 1 port RS232 with screw terminals and 1 Ethernet port. The screw terminals enable the engineer to wire in any serial device and instantly connect it to a network via the Ethernet port. Brainboxes proven technology supports legacy applications, whilst continued improvements to our Ethernet to Serial software ensures fast data transmission and a super easy installation whatever your operating system. The ES-020 does not require any specialist networking knowledge to set up but our dedicated tech support team is on hand to guide you through the instillation and set up process.

Operator monitoring radio mast using brainboxes ethernet to serial device server


Once your Serial equipment is connected to a Brainboxes Ethernet to Serial device you have the option of accessing it over a local network or connecting it to the internet. Using the internet you can monitor the radio mast from a central office and be instantly alerted to potential problems deciding when and where to despatch an engineer. This allows for continuity of an often vital service in the most cost effective manner.


Find out more!

Brainboxes Ethernet to Serial Range ES-020 1 Port RS232 to Ethernet Server