Intelligent Video Ltd specialises in hardware and software integration for security and safety projects, where customer constraints usually dictate a novel approach.
In a recent example, the company had to deliver a design for a battery powered networked CCTV system which demanded low complexity, high reliability, and low power consumption, based predominantly from off-the-shelf parts for ease of maintenance. As well as providing CCTV connectivity the project called for bespoke battery monitoring and switching capabilities, being a perfect fit for IVL’s specialist integration and in-house software skills.
The design developed by the company called for ethernet-to-DIO and ethernet-to-serial elements, with a suitable ethernet switch to additionally accommodate an IP camera and transmission system. With literally every last mAh of battery power being significant, the key challenge facing the hardware team was to minimise the number and power consumption of the various communications devices.
Brainboxes was naturally the first choice for ethernet-to-serial capability, but further discussion between supplier and design team revealed that BB could actually provide the entire switch and interface requirement in a single low-power unit. The BB unit turned out to be a perfect fit for the application, and the quality of the BB documentation for the IO and serial converters enabled the IVL team to have a proof-of-concept software application up and running in a matter of hours.”
Jon Martin of Intelligent Video Ltd commented “We’re very grateful to Brainboxes for their assistance on this project, which was delivered on-time and on-spec to a very high profile UK customer. Rather than spending weeks searching for a best-fit combination of parts, which usually provides more than we need and uses more power than we can afford, we’ve actually found exactly the right device, right under our noses. Integrating it has been extremely straightforward, and it has led me to review the ever-growing BB range. It’s an incredibly useful array of interface technology, which helps make our lives easy.”