5V PCI 2 Port RS232 1MegaBaud
This half size card provides two industry standard RS232 serial COM ports in a single PCI slot. The PCI RS232 Velocity card uses the 16750 UART, two generations beyond the industry standard 16550. The megabaud data transfer rates and the 64 byte deep FIFO, coupled with 1Mbit/s line drivers deliver uncompromising performance on your desktop PC. The UART clock can be set through the software to provide maximum baud rates of either 921,600 baud, 460,800 baud, 230,400 baud, or 115,200 baud (standard PC). This allows all existing DOS & Windows programs to benefit from this high speed communication card! Serial Solutions Device Driver CD contains software for Windows 7, Server 2008, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000, Millennium, 98, 95, NT4, Windows 3.x, DOS and OS/2. Informative manuals and sample programs are supplied with full source code on CD!