Welcome to the June 2019 update for the BB-400.
This version of software has implemented changes to the following 3 packages:
- BB-Serial
- Node-RED
There has been a performance enhancement update within the BB-PMU (Power Management Unit) package. The device can now recover from UPS mode without restarting.
The following serial configurations are possible:
- Full Duplex: RS232, RS422 and RS485
- Half Duplex: RS485
Switching between serial configurations is possible on the web admin serial page, as shown below:
It is also possible to change the Baud Rate, data bits, parity, stop bits and flow control values.
To get the latest updates to the BB-PMU and BB-Serial packages, type in the following commands in your terminal:
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install bb-core
The latest version of Node-RED contains a new flow allowing the user to connect to different cloud services. This cloud connector flow will allow you to connect the BB-400 to the following cloud services: AWS (Amazon Web Services), IBM or FRED (Front End for Node-RED).
The flow also reads the BB-400’s IO status using WebSocket, then sends the IO status to the cloud services. The device can also receive data from the cloud services.
This flow will appear in your Node-RED flow if you run the following commands:
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install bb-node-red
Restart your Node-RED instance, then import the cloud connector example by clicking on the menu and going to:
Import > Examples > Brainboxes > CloudConnectors
Two new nodes have been installed onto the palette:
- FRED nodes: node-red-contrib-fred v0.0.6
- IBM Watson IoT nodes: node-red-contrib-ibm-watson-iot v0.2.8
For further information regarding the new cloud connector flow, and how to connect your device to different cloud services, please refer to the following FAQ: