Where can I find the Windows drivers for my Ethernet to Serial device?


Boost.LAN Driver Version
SHA1: 87083971A5E80EFA46ED690E15DCA40EE8C0C634
Product Documentation

Note: We’re currently aware of issues updating the firmware of ES devices when using Boost.LAN, Version (above), where the firmware upgrade occasionally fails to complete successfully. If you experience any issues while updating the firmware of your ES device, please download Boost.LAN, Version below and attempt the upgrade again.

If your device presents in Boost.LAN as « In Upgrade Mode », please contact [email protected] for further assistance.

Boost.LAN Driver Version
SHA1: D0E5A723B1771F69A4BAB4DC69000A097E952060


The Boost.LAN software (pictured above) for the (ES), Ethernet to Serial Range is intended for use with Brainboxes Ethernet to Serial devices with product codes beginning with: ES

The latest release version is: 4.3.284

This is the management software for the ES range which includes the virtual COM port drivers. It is recommended that you upgrade both the driver and the firmware at the same time.

Operating System Support for this Driver

This driver has support for the following operating systems:

  • Windows 11: 64-bit
  • Windows 10: 32 & 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2016 & 2019
  • Windows Server 2012 & R2
  • Windows 8.1: 32 & 64-bit
  • Windows 8: 32 & 64-bit
  • Windows 7: 32 & 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2008: 32 & 64-bit & R2
  • Windows Vista: 32 & 64-bit
  • Windows Server 2003: 32 & 64-bit & R2
  • Windows XP: 32 & 64-bit
  • Windows 2000