SENSORS CONVERGE 2024: Meet us at the Santa Clara Convention Center!

May 23, 2024 / News

We’re proud to exhibit at Sensors Converge 2024! 👏

Brainboxes are exhibiting at Sensors Converge 2024 from the 24th-26th June and the Santa Clara Convention Center at booth 948

📅 24th-26th June

📌 Santa Clara Convention Center, Santa Clara, CA

Visit us at booth 948 where we’ll be showcasing our extensive range of industrial connectivity devices and our brand-new interactive demo! You can also enable power control, advance temperature & state monitoring, make cost savings & meet your sustainability goals with our popular energy monitoring system.

Sensors Converge has been serving design engineers and engineering management for nearly 40 years and uniquely covers the complete spectrum of the design engineering cycle, with content focused on adjacent technologies and applications. From enabling innovation, to process design & control development, to transforming markets, Sensors Converge covers technologies and applications that are driving smart sensor innovation into the era of sustainable living.

For your FREE Expo Hall Pass or $100 off VIP or Conference Pass, use our code: 10101

Register HERE