ISA 1 Port RS232 and 1 Port LPT
A half size card providing a parallel printer port and one RS232 serial port. OPTIONAL Second port available using the male 9 pin ‘D’ type serial cable. The LPT parallel printer port uses the standard 25 pin female connector, the RS232 port uses the standard 9 pin male ‘D’ connector. The LPT parallel printer port may be set as LPT1 to LPT3 with interrupts 5 or 7 for individual or bi-directional data transfer. Each serial port may be jumper configured as COM1 – COM8 with interrupt line jumpers set to IRQ 2-7, 10-12, 14-15. A fully detailed installation guide, showing jumper settings for DOS, Windows and OS/2 is included. 16550 UARTs provide a 16 byte input and 16 byte output FIFO hardware buffer for each serial port allowing high data rates without data loss or overrun errors in todays multi-tasking operating systems.