A half size card providing 8 input and 8 output high current, high voltage lines with 2500Volts opto isolation. The 16 i/o lines, with isolated ground and external power input lines, are accessible from the edge connector, a 50 way ‘D’ connector for greater shielding. Fast TTL buffers and opto isolators allow a maximum throughput of 150kHz. Each input line is current limited and reverse connection protected so ensuring long term use in an industrial environment. OPTO DIO16 requires an external power input to supply the isolated side of the opto circuit range 17.5 – 35Volts. The 16 i/o lines, arranged as 2 eight bit port registers, occupy 2 i/o locations at base address in the range 200-3FF Hex, default=308H. Each input reverse connection protected & current limited. On board high duty suppression diodes & pull down resistors ensure long term industrial use. Fast – 150kHz bandwidth. Protects PC against wiring faults/accidental high Voltage
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Operating Systems

We use these [Brainboxes Serial] adapters in our company (industrial automation, lots of serial stuff); they work as a regular COM port, we’ve never had any issues with them.
I’ve been using VX-001 on site (as a PLC / Servo Drive programming port) for years now, with much more success than USB adaptors – so I recommend it to all my clients (which is where this one will be going)! Thanks Brainboxes!
Your products work well for our GPS system application.
I’d also like to take this opportunity of passing on my sincere thanks to the extended Brainboxes team for the extra-ordinary efforts your team made on our behalf to build new cards at no notice … and still allow us to meet our own customer’s delivery requirement..
Please pass this email and our thanks round your team. Thanks again for the outstanding support.