5V PCI 1 Port RS232 and 1 Port RS422/485
Half size PCI card providing 1 RS232 and 1 RS422/485 serial port with 9 pin D connectors. On board zener diodes offer transient spike protection for the RS422/485 port. Autogating is provided for hassle free half duplex operations in any operating system. The megabaud data transfer rates and the 64 byte deep FIFO, guarantees uncompromising performance and fault-free use. The PCI RS232 & RS422/485 Velocity card uses the 16750 UART which is in 2 generations beyond the industry standard 16C550 UART. The UART clock can be set through software to provide maximum baud rates of either 921,600 baud, 460,800 baud, 230,400 baud or 115,200 baud (standard PC). Serial Solutions Device Driver CD contains software for Windows 7, Server 2008, Vista, Server 2003, XP, 2000, Millennium, 98, 95, NT4, Windows 3.x, DOS and OS/2. Informative manuals and sample programs are supplied with full source code on CD!
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Operating Systems

We use these [Brainboxes Serial] adapters in our company (industrial automation, lots of serial stuff); they work as a regular COM port, we’ve never had any issues with them.
I’ve been using VX-001 on site (as a PLC / Servo Drive programming port) for years now, with much more success than USB adaptors – so I recommend it to all my clients (which is where this one will be going)! Thanks Brainboxes!
Your products work well for our GPS system application.
I’d also like to take this opportunity of passing on my sincere thanks to the extended Brainboxes team for the extra-ordinary efforts your team made on our behalf to build new cards at no notice … and still allow us to meet our own customer’s delivery requirement..
Please pass this email and our thanks round your team. Thanks again for the outstanding support.