Software & Drivers
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Software and Images for the BB IoT Controller
BL-819/BL-830 - Bluetooth to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes BL-819/BL-830 Serial Adaptors
BL-875 - Bluetooth to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes BL-875 Serial Adaptors
CC - PCI to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes PCI Serial cards
ES - Ethernet to Serial
Drivers and Firmware for Brainboxes Ethernet to Serial Adaptors
ED - Ethernet to IO
Drivers and Firmware for Brainboxes ED to IO Adaptors
IS - IntaShield
Drivers for IntaShield serial cards
IX - IntaShield
Drivers for IntaShield serial cards
PM - PCMCIA to Serial
Drivers for PCMCIA to serial adaptors
PX - PCI Express to Serial (EXCEPT PX-275/279)
Drivers for Brainboxes PCI Express serial cards
PX275/279 - PCI Express to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes PCI Express serial cards
UC - PCI to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes PCI serial cards
UP - PCI to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes PCI serial cards
US - USB to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes USB to Serial adaptors
VX - ExpressCard to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes ExpressCard to Serial adaptors
XC - ExpressCard to Serial
Drivers for Brainboxes ExpressCard to Serial adaptors