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AIOChangeTypes Enumeration

A type of change which can occur to a Analog IOLine

Namespace: Brainboxes.IO
Assembly: Brainboxes.IO (in Brainboxes.IO.dll) Version: (
public enum AIOChangeTypes
Member nameValueDescription
Delta0 Delta event only: When the differnce between the previous sampled value and the current sampled value is more than the delta value specified
Below1 Target event only: When the previous sampled value was above the target value and the current sampled value is below the target value
Above2 Target event only: When the previous sampled value was below the target value and the current sampled value is above the target value
Enter3 Target range event only: When the previous sampled value was outside of the delta range of the target value and the current sampled value goes inside the delta range of the target value
Exit4 Target range event only: When the previous sampled value was inside of the delta range of the target value and the current sampled value goes outside the delta range of the target value
See Also